“E-University” is a complete solution for universities those are looking for an automated system to manage the whole university administration system and online accessibility in a single place.

This is a centralized system for smooth operation of the day to day activities of the university and also have an online system where students, faculties can advise courses for the semester, registrar’s office, accounts & finance, grade submission and publishing, online faculty evaluation system, new format for Official transcript (single page), library and other concern departments are also integrated to the system.

  • .NET
  • PHP
  • HTML5

UniversityAutomation Process

  • Application access control system (ACS) with authentication and authorization.

  • Group based access system (students, faculties, chairmen, secretary, admin and library).

  • Completely online student advising system by the faculties and students.

  • Students ability to get advised by themselves from internet.

  • Student’s accounting history.